Kula Sushi USA, Inc. is looking to expand our business throughout the United States. In order to expand our business and share our “revolving sushi bar” culture and experience, we would appreciate the information and interests regarding the properties that meets our needs.
Georgia. Chicago, Illinois, New Jersey, New Jersey. Manhattan, New York. Seattle, Washington. Oahu, Hawaii. Portland, Oregon.
Business Site
Shopping Mall, Strip Mall, Shopping Plaza, and etc.
Property must be able to access easily from a highway or freeway (within 5-7min)
Lease Conditions
Term- 5 years with option to extend 5 years of 3 times
Base Rent- Negotiable
Population: 1mile: over 10000, 3 mile: over 100,000
Median and Average Income: over $70,000
「Kula Sushi USA, Inc.」 is 100% owned by parent company in Japan who has been growing and operating over 380 restaurants (known as “Muten Kura Sushi”) all over Japan.
We are planning to open and operate 25 or more restaurants within 5 years. For additional information regarding Muten Kura Sushi please visit.
Contact Us
Please send the property information to the address as follows.
We appreciate your interest and response in advance.
Please understand we may not be able to respond all the correspondence due to the high volume of response expected.